Inga Martinkutė specializes in international investment law. She has been in private practice for nearly twenty years, involved in the most complex disputes in the Baltic region. She is a member of the ICSID arbitrators’ panel and a recommended arbitrator at the Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration. Inga Martinkutė also holds a teaching post at the Law Faculty of Vilnius University.
Gedimino av. 10, LT-01103, Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: martinkute@mmsp.legal
Mobile: +370 685 26252
Inga Martinkute is an experienced dispute resolution lawyer, specialising in international investment law. She served as an arbitrator and counsel in several high profile arbitrations in the Baltics. Among the work highlights are two UNCITRAL arbitrations between Lithuanian railways and major oil refinery, investment dispute under UNCITRAL Arbitration rules Gazprom v the Republic of Lithuania regarding the implementation of the EU 3rd Energy Package and investment case under ICC Arbitration rules Gazprom v the Republic of Lithuania regarding the changes in the central heating regulation, the investment dispute Bosca v the Republic of Lithuania under UNCITRAL Arbitration rules.
Inga Martinkute is a member of the ICSID arbitrators’ panel and teaches international law at Vilnius University. She is a member of the editorial board of European Investment Law and Arbitration Review. She coached a team for the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot in 2016 and co-authored a problem for 2015 the Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot.
- PhD thesis ‘The Interplay between National Property Law and International Law on Investment Protection in Investment Arbitration’ submitted in June 2019 at National University of Singapore
- 2005 University College London, LLM
- 2002 Vilnius University, Magister Artium
- 2015 – 2019 of counsel, Ellex Valiunas
- 2011 – 2015 associate partner, heading investment arbitration team at LAWIN
- 2011 – 2012 secondment at Paris office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
- 2005 – 2010 lecturer at the International Business School of Vilnius University
- 2005 – 2010 Varul Vilgerts Smaliukas (previously Smaliukas & Partners)
- 2003 – 2005 founding partner, Soloveicikas, Martinkute, Augustaitis / SMA
- 2002 – 2003 trainee advocate at the 2nd law firm of Vilnius
- Lithuanian
- English
- Russian
- French (basic)
Conferences / Seminars
- ‘The rule of law and property protection on the international level: overlooked implications for development’ at the 16th Asian Law Institute Conference ‘The Rule of Law and the Role of Law in Asia’ Singapore (2019)
- ‘International and domestic law on property protection: lessons for international investment law’ at the Edinburgh Glasgow International Law Workshop (2019)
- ‘The rule of law and property protection on the international level: overlooked implications for development’ at the ESIL 2019 Research Forum IG on International Economic Law meeting in Gottingen, Germany ‘(2019)
- ‘The protection of property and investment: challenge or opportunity for human rights’ at the workshop organised by the Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School in Bangkok, Thailand (2019)
- ‘Philosophical framework for property and investment protection’ in the research forum Agora organised by the Association of Transnational Law Schools, London, the UK (2017)
- ‘Lithuanian experience with investment disputes’ at seminar ‘To be or not to be for ISDS in TTIP?’ organised by the Investment Treaty Forum in Vilnius, Lithuania (2015)
- ‘Property and investment protection’ at the professional seminar for the Judicial College of Lithuania (2015)
- ‘Lithuanian experience with investment arbitration’ in the international conference ‘Transatlantic trade and investment partnership: free trade from Alaska to the Baltic states’ Vilnius, Lithuania (2015)
- ‘Lithuanian experience with investment arbitration’ in an international arbitration conference at the Lithuanian Parliament (2013)
- ‘The European Energy Charter: implications to Lithuanian energy security’ at the international conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues, Lithuania, Kaunas, Lithuania (2009)
- ‘Corporate governance and state-owned companies: Lithuanian experience’ at an international conference ‘Corporate governance and state-owned and managed companies’, Chongqing, China (2005)
- ‘Lithuanian company law: Quo vadis?’ at the international conference ‘The application of European Union law in Lithuania’, Vilnius, Lithuania (2005)
- ‘Corporate governance and structure of management organs in Lithuanian company law’ at the international conference ‘Company law in enlarged Europe: convergence or division in globalization era?’ Krakow, Poland (2005)
- ‘The delimitation of contractual rights and property in international investment law’ in European Investment Law and Arbitration Review (2016)
- ‘Photovoltaic sector – a minefield of investment disputes’ // Verslo zinios, 2014 (in Lithuanian)
- ‘Company law’ co-authored with Yvonne Goldammer in ed Juozas Galginaitis, Antje Himmerlreich, Ruta Vrubliauskaite, Einführung in das Litauische Recht, (Berlin‘s scientific publishing house, 2010) (in German)
- ‘The European Energy Charter Treaty and Lithuanian investment climate’ // British Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania paper, 2009
- ‘The European Energy Charter: implications to Lithuanian energy security’ in conference proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (Kaunas, 2009)
- ‘Infringement of the contract: Where to litigate?’ in Contract law for practitioners. Collection of articles (Kaunas, 2007) (in Lithuanian)
- ‘Lithuanian company law reform: quo vadis’ in ed Yvonne Goldammer, The long road of smaller countries into the enlarged European Union, (Eugrimas 2006)
- ‘44/2001 Regulation on jurisdiction and recognition and execution of foreign judgements: the European Court of Justice preliminary rulings’ // Justitia, 2006/2-3 (in Lithuanian)
- ‘Where to litigate? It is easier to start a claim in Lithuania against a foreign defendant’ // Juristas, 2004/6 (in Lithuanian)
- member of the ICSID arbitrator’s panel
- member of the European Society of International Law
- recommended arbitrator at the Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration
- admitted to the Lithuanian Bar Association